Wollmeise yarn is such a joy to knit with and produces such wonderful stitch definition. This cable pattern is one I found in an old stitch book. I love the stitch so much I decided to create a pattern with it. The beauty of this cable pattern is that although it is an 16 row pattern repeat, only 3 of the rows are cabling, the rest are knit and purl - so easy to execute and memorise.
The sock pattern itself is toe up with a simple wrap and turn heel. Aimed at the intermediate knitter with experience of cabling. I've called it 'Iona', which is a small island off the western coast of Scotland - a island renowned for its tranquility and natural beauty.

Yarn: Wollmeise 100% Merino Superwash
Colour: Saffran
Needles: 2.5 mm
Size: Medium-Large
Pattern: My own - it will be released as soon as I've written it up.
Enjoy the rest of your Bank Holiday weekend UK peops :)
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